Friday, February 24, 2012

Whoops: Shattered/Fried Marbles

Everyone has seen the shattered/fried/whatever marbles on Pinterest. They are beautiful. And have SO MANY CRAFTING POSSIBILITIES. Here is one link to what I'm talking about, if you haven't seen this yet.

I figured surely this would be easy. throw some marbles in the oven, throw them in ice water, make millions of dollars with my beautiful shatter-marble jewelry and retire to some island full of sand and yarn.

Marbles are cheap if you get them anywhere except a craft store. This really isn't surprising. But if you hit a coupon day, you can get a good size bag for around two dollars. So I did some research, bc the time/heat preferences are really all over the place on Pinterest for how to do this. It seemed like the slightly lower temp for the longer period of time would be the best bet, so that it had longer to warm up, etc. So I got out an unused baking dish and turned on my unused oven and went to work. I let them sit for half an hour at 400 degrees and then dumped them in a bowl of ice water and let them cool.

Nothing. not a single marble crackled. So I figured, ok, maybe it does need higher heat. So I dried the marbles off and shoved them back in the oven. I don't remember exactly what temp I put it on, but I'm sure it was ridiculous. I let twenty minutes pass before I decided to take them out this time. Half had already exploded in my oven (which is no easy job to clean THAT up) and when I did the ice dump, only a few marbles crackled. And frankly, I don't think it's even a pretty crackle.

Difficulty Rating: Easy. You put marbles in an oven and then ice. come on now.
Project Cost: $2.00, plus oven cleaner to clean up the shattered bits stuck inside.
Verdict: If you could find that magic ratio of time and heat, this may be worth it. But I spent a good part of my evening to only get a few marbles, which really ticked me off. I label this as a definite Whoops.

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